1129 Henderson Lake Blvd South
Lethbridge , AB T1K 3B6
Welcome Back...
Hello my Grade 3 friends! This area of my web page is called a Blog spot. In the event that we pivot to online learning, this will be your place to find the daily schedule, messages, news and work assignments. We will also be meeting on TEAMS (Mrs. Stroud's Grade 3's with the pencil icon) a few times per day.
You are all required to show up (no complaining allowed!!) and do your best. I would also like to see you continue with your home reading for 20-30 minutes per day. (I know you have the time and there are web site that provide you with all the resources right at your finger tips). Of course, reading REAL books is always the best but this is really fun too. Remember: Practice leads to improvement!
1129 Henderson Lake Blvd South
Lethbridge , AB T1K 3B6